Indoor Plants for your home

The right houseplant acts as a beautiful decoration helping to purify the air and can even de-stress the immediate area. It purifies the space and adds a spark to the corner it is placed. Having plants around also helps in lowering the stress levels.

Therefore, here is a curated list of indoor plants that can add that zing to your house. These are easy to take care of and effective at increasing oxygen and clearing out toxins for cleaner breathing air.

Aloe Vera Plant

Known for its healing properties, Aloe Vera plant is a must in every household. The gel of the plant is known to heal several skin related diseases such as cuts and burns. Additionally, the plant can also help in monitoring the air quality of your house.

The plant grows best in the sun.indoor plants

English Ivy

One of the best plants known for air-filtering, English Ivy is known to absorb formaldehyde. It is quite easy to grow and adaptable. You can decorate your house using this as a hanging plant or a floor plant. It needs moderate temperatures and sunlight.

Rubber Tree

One of the easiest to grow as they require mid-light, rubber trees are good for cleaning and purifying the air. The low-maintenance plant is a powerful toxin eliminator and air purifier.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are easy to maintain as they do not need much light or water to survive. Hence, they become an easy choice for any corner of your house. One quality that makes it a must in your house is that it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night (while most plants do so during the day). So, add one to your bedroom for a clean-air boost.

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm is a beautiful looking plant known for its air purifying quality. The plant is known at clearing out benzene and trichloroethylene. These need to be well-watered, in shade or indirect sunlight.

Spider Plant

Spider plant is one of the most common plants that you will find indoor. They are pretty and very low on maintenance. Spider plants are effective at fighting pollutants including benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Golden Pothos/Money Plant

Add this to your kitchen or living room in a hanging position. The plant will grow leaves down in cascading vines. They grow easily in cool temperatures will low levels of sunlight.

Now you know what to pick for your unused corner.

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