Brighten Up Your Day with these Positive thoughts

happiness & positive thoughts

The current scenario with so much uncertainty, salary cuts, job losses, minimal or no social mingling has led to frustration and depression creeping in our minds. Social platforms, newspapers are flooded with mostly negative news. In these trying times, positive thoughts are what will keep you going. Remember how in school we would read a quote of the day that would inspire us in some way to do better?

Let us read through some inspirational quotes & positive thoughts that help to cope with tough times and turn the tide in your favour.

  1. Choose to be Happy

Happiness is a state of mind that you create for yourself. Those who seem happy always are not exempted from the trials and tribulations of life. In fact, some of the happiest people you would know have had to overcome unbelievably difficult circumstances to get to where they are today. They allow themselves to temporarily step away from those moments that are bringing them down or are causing them pain and immediately begin to focus on aspects of their lives that bring them joy and lift their spirits. 

  1.  Change is the only constant

Heraclitus said “there is nothing permanent except change”. We all experience good times and bad; nothing in life is permanent and that our success and happiness depends on our ability to ride these waves of change with composure. Evolve and adapt are the two keywords to brace the changes.

  1. Gratitude

Try to analyze why you are experiencing tough times and be grateful for what you still have. Being grateful pulls you back into the present moment, allowing you to put your troubles on the back burner, even if it is for just a short time. 

  1. Believe in yourself

So “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” said Milton Berle. This is one of the best motivational quotes. Be proactive and trust yourself, don’t let your tough times control your life. Remember if you don’t trust yourself or believe in your abilities, no one else would. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”- Theodore Roosevelt.

  1. Motivate Yourself

It is important to embrace your tough times and motivate yourself to explore options that exist to create an even better life. Work on what needs to get done, try and build some momentum, and then build on it further. The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Push yourself, take that first step, “the journey of a thousand smiles begins with one step” (Lao Tzu).

  1. Never give up attitude

So you tried your hand at something, failed; tried again; failed again; but you failed better this time.  Actually you do not fail until you quit trying. This attitude wades us through all difficulties. Winston Churchill said “’success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts”. Those who keep trying will only succeed. 

Be Hopeful & Optimistic (PC- Freepik)
  1. Be Hopeful

You can’t stop life from throwing stuff at you, but you can choose to let go of the negativity and be hopeful for a better future and keep working towards it. Till there is hope, there is life.

  1. Be Optimistic

While the world is full of stuff to bog you down, figure out ways to see the brighter side of life and remain positive no matter what, be the eternal optimist. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results too.

The optimists don’t just put on blinders and ignore that they are going through a difficult time—they instinctively know when to shift their mindsets to something that will put them on a more productive path.

  1. Nourish your soul

When you temporarily step away from challenging situations and steer your attention to something that makes you feel good, you replenish your spirit and nourish your soul. When you do go back to face the situation that was troubling you, you feel less overwhelmed and the answers come to you more readily.

However bad the situation may be, remember as long as you’re breathing, you still have a chance. So come what may, keep your spirits high; remember these words from Robert H. “tough times don’t last, tough people do”. 

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